Wednesday, 21 December 2011


Have film makers just given up with titles now? I mean; when I first heard of "Snakes on a Plane"- I thought that that could have been an indication of what was to come. Then there was "Bulletproof Monk" - Jesus H Christ; those creative bastards. Why I am bothered; I know not; but I do get a little enjoyment from my own personal social commentaries. So, the two films that are currently advertised on my bus route are "Ghost Protocol" and "The girl with the dragon tattoo" - I am of course as we speak writing this blog, while "Bad Santa" is on, heh.... Firstly, "Ghost Protocol" - I don't even have to watch it, or do any research into the film to know that it's aimed at the same shower of ball-bags that get off on flash-bang-no meaning piles of horse shit such as "The Fast and Furious" and all the associated films. "The girl with the dragon tattoo" I must digress here.  "Bad Santa has come up trumps. "Fuck stick" - Kill me now.  Oh wait. Adverts....Oh look...a new film out, called "Goon" or "The Goon" - I'm that unobservant towards adverts, that I've actually forgotten, and it was only seconds ago; that; or I've serious cognitive problems. "It all starts with a window's 7 PC" - yeah, and it probably ends with you throwing it in a bin after a years use.  Back on the subject of films.... Have you seen the film "Transporter"? I have. I was thinking the other day "how in God's name; did Jason Statham actually land a role in a film; considering he has the acting ability of a cricket bat. Then I found out that they'd made a second, and third film as an annex to the original transporter. I only watched the first one all the way through; because I thought it was a black comedy.

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