I sit here watching a documentary trailer for a guy called Nick Jaffe; who is featured in an up and coming sailing documentary (See here for the link) - Although I am a particular sucker for such documentaries I am eagerly anticipating watching the finished article; when it is released for download, next month; ugh, I'm excited about cringe worthy digital media.....and if you have to pay for it, I won't be watching it- although, the one aspect of the trailers that would get a 'thumbs down' from me is the soundtrack; which in my honest opinion is questionable- but then again, I am pretty funny when it comes to music. I'm a bit of a music Nazi. There was a point in one of the trailers, where Nick was quite simply overcome with raw emotion as consequence of his awe inspiring surroundings; and that is the moment that I am personally looking forward to experiencing first hand.
I can't help but be envious of what Nick has managed to achieve. Nick, like the greats who have inspired my interest in ocean crossings, Rebell, Slocum, Motessier, Willis, etc had that compulsion within; to get in a small boat, and just sail away from it all. Letting go, casting off the shackles of society, saying "fuck you" to everyone else; and just getting out there.....alone....with the grandeur of nature; unadulterated in all it's glory- the sea- the sky- the elements. I like to think that I have the same compulsions. I'm 27 now; and I should have at least got in a sail boat by now; you'd think; especially having such an ardent interest in ocean crossings on small vessels; but I haven't; well, apart from when on holiday in Tenerife; but it was a pretty big yacht. Sometimes you get caught up in one thing and another; and you end up putting things off and before you know it, life has passed you by. I think for this dream of mine to be some quixotic fad is completely not the case. I think the main reason I haven't already embarked on anything is due to financial restraints, although there was one point on that lilo in Majorca where I was pretty far offshore. I have spent the past 4 years trying to get myself in the Merchant navy as an officer; to enable me to work, doing something I want to do; and have the working patterns of a few months on and a few months off; so I can get all this shit done. The target is well and truly locked! Granted; I am a few years off the point where I'll have my own Yacht; the plan is, once I am qualified as a Deck Officer; and I have some funds in the bank; I intend on getting myself a Contessa 26 yacht; on which I will hone my sailing skills; and finally achieve a very long term dream. I'd hope that with my training as a deck officer; I'll be able to transfer my nautical skills into sailing, and pick up the ropes quickly. I'd like to spend my time off work cruising; not only for the prospect of saving money, but it's all experience that will assist with my ultimate goal of circumnavigating the globe; which is something I plan on doing in later life; like my hero, William Willis; although, I'm not really sure a balsa wood raft would be my method of transport. I have no intentions of writing about it; I'm not really sure there would be that much interest anyway. One thing about watching Nick's documentary was the Camera factor; would I really want to have them personal moments captured on film, and showed to other people? I'm not sure it would be the right thing for me personally; plus; I wouldn't look good on a camera at all! I would see the camera as intrusive; and my dream doesn't involve attaining acclaim, or anyone's respect; I am doing it for me. I quite liked Benedict Allen's one man cam-a-thon; with the ice dogs in Siberia. You got more of a feeling of authenticity from knowing it was just him there. I have no time at all for the likes of Bear Grylls or what ever his name is. Film crews; and all the stuff behind the cameras; that you don't see; luxuries and the like! A gang of frauds!
I would like to embark on a project that I could write about; and maybe raise some money for charity in the process; and I have done quite a bit of research into the field I am interested in- Pedalling across an ocean. I was following a guy called Greg Kolo-something or other; from Canada and his "Pedal the ocean" project. I was a little critical of his boat design, and also the "sea trials" that he was doing on a lake; weren't really worthwhile; as I wouldn't of thought emulating the roaring 40's would be possible on a lake- I think I did message him on facebook; but attained no response- and in fairness, he's probably had a tonne of people tell him what they think, and who am I to be taking advice from? - In any case; he abandoned his project; I think, due to safety concerns. I am toying with the idea of building an ocean going vessel powered by pedal- I figured that I could combine my love of cycling distances, with my interest of crossing oceans. I managed to ride 116 miles in 6 hours 45(ish) - and while it's not exactly a world beating time; I am still carrying a lot of weight more than I should be; and I think I have a lot of potential to improve as an athlete. I've done a few monster rides; and every time, I have always got back, and thought to myself, I could carry on all day. Which is why I have always entertained these thoughts of pedalling the ocean. I have had a word with a friend about the actual physical side of it, and also the mechanics of building a pedal system that would be able to turn a propeller- He has contacts with an engineering chap that could build me a pedal system; so what's one aspect sorted. I have not even though about a boat design yet; when I'm surrounded by the right people; I will start to ask questions; but where I am in life at the moment, there aren't really many people I can call upon for advice on things nautical related. The guys at ocean pedal challenge seemed to have all of their bases covered, with their vessel design and is a well sponsored project; it looked the part but not long into their second voyage; they called it off for safety concerns. I believe they will be trying again, third time lucky might be the case? I hope so.
So what is needed, is a boat that is able to withstand massive swells, take a beating from waves and wind; and still be able to make progress; with all that in mind. Christ knows? Jason Lewis (http://www.expedition360.com/) managed to get around the world on human power alone(not just pedaling oceans though) so suggesting a successful solo ocean crossing wouldn't be the acme of foolishness! I would like to do it quicker than Jason though; and I don't think what he has achieved would be something I would embark on emulating. What a seriously heroic feat. The media has hardly batted an eyelid for any of the projects I have previously mentioned; yet; when one of Jordan's tits slips out of her bra in some atrocious London night club; it becomes front page material! I went to my Nan's quite a few times last week; and she gets The Mirror delivered every day; and it's seriously difficult for me to put into words how remedial the people who contribute to it must think 'we' are. I wouldn't go out of my way to read a red and white tabloid, I was merely passing the time. There it was.... the continuous demise of Simon Cowell's life, throughout the week- if the old seven day adventists are to be believed; then surely the demise of Cowell in one week is possible, if God can create the world in the same amount of time? Who cares? How does this shit sell? Then there was a shockingly terrible article about Great White sharks; it had that much of an impact on me that I have forgotten what it was about; but I remember it lacking serious scientific facts about sharks- in fact it was about some "shark whisperer" - it failed to mention tonic immobility; which the entire story was based on. So the public are left thinking that this ball bag goes around fingering Great Whites into a submissive state. You should have heard the sigh I let out. So many reasons to want away . . . . . .
So . . . back to reality. It's raining, the dog is depressed because it's raining, and I seem to just be in constant daydream mode; My mobile phone has completely perished; the screen no longer works; I don't really care. I have no intentions of replacing it. I get my dole money this Wednesday; and I'll have about £50.00 to live off for 2 weeks; oh the recurring joys of having to live off the government. I hope I can find a job to get me through the summer, until I start my cadetship. I've today purchased Dom Jolly's Dark tourism, after being told about it by Mark; one of the guys in my cycling club. As soon as he told me that Dom visited an Iranian ski resort; it was sold to me; "right up my street" I thought; and the first chapter is now out of the way; and I'm looking forward to the rest of it.
Time to walk the dog....
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